The underlying reason for the setting up of the Paul Ogoun Foundation is to reach out to the needy and the less privileged in the society with a view to putting smiles on their faces and improving their lot.
The conception of the idea, and eventual setting up of the Foundation was inspired by the childhood passion of the founder/CEO, High Chief Paul Ogoun (PhD). Over the years, the founder had developed a strong desire to assist the needy, the less privileged and those at the lowest rung of the economic ladder; the ones that are derisively referred to as the “dregs of the society”.
The driving force that propelled Ogoun is the strong desire to uplift the less privileged, put smiles on their faces and give them a sense of belonging in the society. When asked if there was any particular incident in his life that fired his passion which led to the establishment of the Foundation, for charity works, the founder said, “There was no particular incident, but I have always been like this since I became aware of life and my immediate environment ….. and the older I grew the stronger the passion for service to humanity grew. I have been doing this my whole life. This is only taking it to the global stage and I see the Paul Ogoun Foundation as the special purpose vehicle to actualised this lifelong dream of assisting the less privileged in our society”.
The charitable activities and good works of Amb. High Chief (Capt) Paul Mandela Ogoun (PhD) and his Foundation, have not gone unnoticed. As a form of recognition, several bodies have given him award including the Nigerian Chapter of the USA-based Teachers Without Border has honoured Amb. High Chief (Capt) Paul Mandela Ogoun (JP) Ph.D with the Distinguished International Public Service Icon Award among others.